IBA was presented in Václav Moravec's Focus on Czech TV

Participation in Václav Moravec's Focus TV program "Frontiers of Medicine" introduced the Institute of Biostatistics and Analysis as a major player in the field of innovative use of AI in medicine. 

Although the institute is not a developer of artificial intelligence technologies, it does use machine learning algorithms within the EDC CLADE-IS system for data quality assurance.
The discussion included a case study with a medical diagnostic device manufacturer. The case study demonstrated the benefits of independent data analysis, especially for products with a significant AI component.
Daniel Schwarz emphasized the key role that CROs play in helping developers of medical devices to navigate the maze of regulatory requirements in the marketplace. "I am proud of our team for pushing the boundaries of medicine. It's experiences like these that further my passion for bridging the gap between academia and the practical world of business."

21. 2. 2024


The Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses is an investigator of the project “Extending services portfolio of an information system for the data management in clinical research”. The project is supported by the OP EIC from the European Union funds.

Main objective of the project is the development of a platform for composition of information systems focused on data management and data mining in the field of pharmaceutical industry and life sciences. Offer of digital services based on a developed and validated information system will make reliable analytical models accessible to the companies for their decision-making and precise information sources for regulatory bodies. The project steps out of a laboratory environment of clinical trials and focuses on the evidence supported by real-world data.

Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses, Ltd.